Welcome to Algebra 1

This course uses the classic Saxon Algebra 1 (3rd edition) which covers the traditional topics covered in a first-year algebra course providing a firm foundation for higher level math courses. Topics include functions and relations, linear and quadratic equations and graphs, polynomials, inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, rational and radical expressions, probability, data analysis, and more including various types of word problems.  Saxon is incremental and cumulative, introducing new concepts in small steps while reviewing previously learned material.  This course is supplemented with a weekly homework worksheet (1 page) with SAT/ACT-like multiple choice questions. Additional online study/help sessions are available as needed.

Textbook: Saxon Algebra 1, 3rd edition, Textbook and Solutions Manual.

Course syllabus, schedule, assignment sheets, and other course details are sent via email.  For further questions, please contact mrstaylor.catn@gmail.com