Our Classes

The Classes at Town North offers classes focusing on literature, writing, science, math and history for students in grades 7 through 12. We also offer classes in economics, geography, and speech. All of our classes integrate a Christian worldview into the

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Registration for 2025-2026 opens March 10, 2025. Updated information will be available after our Preview Meeting on Feb 24, 2025. Thank you for considering CATN.  We offer a wide range of classes for students in grades 7-12 to enhance their education

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To participate in the graduation ceremony with The Classes at Town North, a student must be enrolled in a class his/her senior year. The student must also have attended The Classes at Town North their junior year. The student maintains

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About the Classes at Town North

The Classes at Town North is a college preparatory co-op located at Prairie Creek Baptist Church 3201 W 15th St in Plano, Texas. We focus on high school literature, writing, science, math and history. Teachers in the co-op have degrees and/or real world experience in their chosen subject areas.

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